Conheça o jogo Apex Legends - Friug

Discover the Apex Legends game


Today we want to introduce you to the Apex Legends game, which is a futuristic battle royale set in the famous world of the Titanfall series.
Know that here you will not get on board any giant robot.

But instead, each player takes control of a Legend, powerful fighters with different abilities and fighting styles.


In which you will enter disputes between twenty trios. The last group standing wins. Read now more about this game!

Apex Legends

As with any title in its genre, Apex Legends puts you and your allies on the battlefield completely unprepared.


Where you end up hunting equipment that is scattered in the scenario. So luck is an important factor in Apex Legends.

As the items found are random, and although certain areas have a higher chance of dropping valuable equipment.

It turns out not to be uncommon to find yourself unequipped in the worst situations. But of course everything is a matter of keep looking to eventually find what you need.

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Conheça o jogo Apex Legends
Apex Legends

Choosing the right soldier makes all the difference

Apex Legends relies on its aforementioned Legends system. That to allow for more strategy, you need to make the right choice. Where they basically work as classes, guaranteeing unique skills. Below you can see a little more about those initially available:


Bloodhound is able to see the tracks of opponents at all times. With his extra abilities he extends his senses, seeing cold tracks and seeing hidden traps and enemies.


Gibraltar are masters of defence. In addition to having a portable shield that protects you when aiming, it has a protection dome and can launch a devastating bombardment.


Keeping your allies alive is everything to Lifeline. Her healing and reviving allies is faster than normal. He has a deployable drone that heals nearby allies, while his ultimate ability summons a supply pod full of defensive equipment.


For those who like to be always on the move, Pathfinder is a very powerful robot. That's because he has hook gear capable of not only taking him across the map, but also creating ziplines for the whole team. And he still manages to know which area remains safe with each reduction of the ring.


Wraith has the power of the void on her side, so with it, she can hear voices that warn her of nearby dangers. Including remaining intangible for several seconds and even opening portals between different areas for you and your allies to traverse.


Lastly, the fastest of the Legends, Bangalore runs even faster when shot at. In addition, its tactical skill launches an explosive smoke cylinder, and it is capable of calling down a barrage of artillery with its ultimate attack.

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Pros & Cons


  • high level graphics
  • precise controls
  • Variety of heroes ensures plenty of options and strategies


  • Quite heavy on maximum settings
  • Gambling is still very much based on luck
  • Doesn't bring much new to the genre

But now that you know everything about Apex Legends, enjoy playing and having fun with your friends!!!