Cuidados com sua saúde mental - Friug

Caring for your mental health


Even before Covid-19, the country was already standing out negatively in mental health care. Brazil ranked first in the prevalence of anxiety disorders and fifth in depression rates.

So we need to pay a lot of attention and mental health care. So we brought tips to help with care.


Have a healthy diet

A balanced diet is recommended in any health context. But you need to have a menu rich and varied in vegetables and healthy foods that are capable of providing important nutrients for well-being.

These foods help maintain the proper functioning of the body, including brain functions such as memory and cognition, the production of hormones related to mood, sleep and well-being, in addition to energy levels. People with mental disorders, such as depression, experience a mild state of chronic inflammation.


A healthy diet can help combat this inflammatory process, while a dysfunctional menu can contribute to its worsening. Therefore, if you still don't maintain a balanced diet, see a nutritionist.

Professional therapy

People think that professional therapy is only indicated in serious cases of mental and emotional illnesses, but that's not the case.

We all have our own problems and often, we don't know how to deal with them, the logic is that we should seek help from a specialist.

Psychological treatment provides the necessary support to live with fears, increase self-confidence, deal with feelings, get rid of dependencies and create healthier relationships.

Practice physical exercises

When you regularly practice physical activity, it is recommended not only for aesthetic reasons, but even more so for health.

Exercising frequently improves blood circulation and the cardiovascular system. It also takes more nutrients and oxygen to the cells.

As part of habits, they end up preventing diseases. In terms of mental health, the role of physical activities is essential. During exercise, hormones are released that bring a feeling of pleasure and well-being.

Be careful who you interact with

A toxic relationship is one in which one person exercises a certain power over the other, who feels bad, even if they don't realize it.

Unfortunately, they are more common than we imagine and can happen in any relationship, such as work, friendship, affection or between parents and children. A healthy relationship presents dialogue, understanding, acceptance and appreciation.

Both parties in the relationship have freedom of choice, there is no feeling of dominance, fear and submission. If you recognize that you are in a toxic relationship, it is important to free yourself from it.

Quality of your sleep

Sleeping well is more important than you can imagine, so it is during sleep that our body regenerates and makes the necessary adjustments.

To give you an idea, those who sleep poorly may have low immunity due to the inefficient production of antibodies. When we talk about mental health, we can see even more the importance of quality sleep.

It is worth remembering that quality sleep is characterized by consecutive hours of sleep, with little or no interruption, and a awakening with a feeling of recharged energy for well-deserved rest and well-being.