Um aplicativo que revela sua vida passada - Friug

An app that reveals your past life


Since time immemorial, mankind has been fascinated by the idea of past lives and the possibility of exploring the hidden secrets of our previous existence.

With the technological advancements of recent years, an innovative new app is causing a stir by offering an intriguing way to discover information about your past life.


In this article, we'll explore the details of this unique app and how it can open a window into the past.

The “Revealed Past” app:

The “Past Revealed” app is a revolutionary tool that promises to provide you with fascinating insights into your past life. It uses a combination of advanced artificial intelligence algorithms and regression techniques to access memories and information from previous lives. By answering a series of questions and providing personal details such as your full name and date of birth, the app analyzes this information and creates a profile of your past life.


How it works:

After downloading the app and creating an account, the user is taken through a series of steps to provide relevant information. This includes personal details such as name, date of birth and place of birth, as well as specific questions about likes, fears, talents and relationships. The app uses this data as a starting point to explore your past life.

Results and interpretation:

Once the analysis is complete, the application provides the user with a personalized report revealing the details of his past life. This can include information about the time you lived in, your occupation, relationships, interests, and even significant events that occurred in that previous lifetime. In addition, the app can also show photos or illustrations to help better visualize the past life.


The “Past Revealed” app offers an intriguing experience for those who want to explore the mystery of their past lives. While accuracy and scientific validity are up for debate, the tool certainly piques curiosity and prompts reflection on our connections to the past. Whether as entertainment or a deeper spiritual quest, the choice to use this app remains in the hands of each individual.